Brussels is plentiful with venison. Pretty good meat can be found even in supermarkets. I made a stew of doe with dry red wine. At hand was sicilian Piccini Nero d'Avola, which is suitable for red meat and is quite intense in flavor (apparently compared to Syrah). Instead doe certainly check the roe-deer (also brittle) or other meat (such as beef). In autumn - winter lunches and dinners such a stew is just perfect.
* * *
doe stew
for 4 persons
400-500 g doe meet
1 bigger carrot
1 bigger parsley
2 potatoes
3 big cloves of garlic
400-500 ml water
1/2 glass dry red wine
1 spoon olive oil
salt, black pepper, 2 bay leaves
Pour water into the pot, add the olive oil and add a little salt. We let the water with oil was hot. Add 3 whole cloves of garlic. Add the chopped meat (something like a square, but it can be longitudinal). Earlier get rid of the fat (unless you like). Cover the pot and smothering the meat for about 15 minutes. Add the chopped vegetables (thicker slices, cubes - how you like), season with pepper and add a little salt and bay leaves. We cover it. After about 15 minutes, add half the portion of wine. Leave on low heat. After about 30 minutes, pour the last of the wine and leave to stew on to cook about 30 - 40 minutes (depending on how soft you want to have meat). After pouring cups / plates it's good to add fresh thyme and a thick slice of bread bites;).
for 4 persons
400-500 g doe meet
1 bigger carrot
1 bigger parsley
2 potatoes
3 big cloves of garlic
400-500 ml water
1/2 glass dry red wine
1 spoon olive oil
salt, black pepper, 2 bay leaves
Pour water into the pot, add the olive oil and add a little salt. We let the water with oil was hot. Add 3 whole cloves of garlic. Add the chopped meat (something like a square, but it can be longitudinal). Earlier get rid of the fat (unless you like). Cover the pot and smothering the meat for about 15 minutes. Add the chopped vegetables (thicker slices, cubes - how you like), season with pepper and add a little salt and bay leaves. We cover it. After about 15 minutes, add half the portion of wine. Leave on low heat. After about 30 minutes, pour the last of the wine and leave to stew on to cook about 30 - 40 minutes (depending on how soft you want to have meat). After pouring cups / plates it's good to add fresh thyme and a thick slice of bread bites;).
gulasz z łani
porcja na 4 osoby
400-500 g mięsa łani
1 większa marchewka
1 większa pietruszka
2 ziemniaki
3 duże ząbki czosnku
400 - 500 ml wody
½ kieliszka wytrawnego czerwonego wina
1 łyżka oliwy z oliwek
sól, pieprz, 2 liście laurowe
Wodę wlewamy do garnka, dodajemy oliwy i trochę solimy.
Pozwalamy, żeby woda z oliwą była gorąca. Dodajemy 3 całe ząbki czosnku. Dodajemy pokrojone mięso (coś na kształt kwadratów, ale mogą być i podłużne). Wcześniej pozbywamy się tłuszczu (chyba, że ktoś lubi). Przykrywamy garnek i podduszamy mięso ok. 15 minut. Dodajemy pokrojone warzywa
(w grubsze talarki, kostkę – jak kto woli), doprawiamy pieprzem i dodajemy jeszcze
trochę soli oraz liście laurowe. Przykrywamy. Po ok. 15 minutach dodajemy
połowę porcji wina. Zostawiamy na małym ogniu. Po ok. 30 minutach dolewamy
resztkę wina i zostawiamy, żeby gulasz dalej się gotował jakieś 30 - 40 minut (w zależności jak miękkie chcemy mieć mięso). Po
wlaniu do miseczek/talerzy dobrze dodać świeży tymianek i zagryzamy pajdą
chleba ;).
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